The Government has committed billions to the development of infrastructure in the next decade or so. These include:
For Queensland, this includes $586.4 million to upgrade the Bruce Highway through Brisbane’s outer northern suburbs and $210 million to upgrade the Kuranda Range Road.
In other states:
- New South Wales, $500 million for corridor acquisition, planning and early works on high-speed rail between Sydney and Newcastle; and $300 million for the Western Sydney Roads Package.
- Victoria: $2.2 billion investment in the Suburban Rail Loop East over the next 5 years; $125 million for the Barwon Heads Road Upgrade – Stage 2.
- South Australia: $400 million for upgrades to the Dukes, Stuart and Augusta Highways; and $60 million to deliver on and off ramps to the Southern Expressway and Majors Road interchange.
- Northern Territory: $350 million in additional funding to upgrade and seal the Tanami Road and Central Arnhem Road; $332milliontowards the NT Strategic Roads Package, including upgrading the Santa Teresa and Mereenie Loop Roads
- Australian Capital Territory: $85.9 million in funding for Canberra Light Rail Stage 2A
- Western Australia: $400 million to upgrade the Tanami Road$125millionfor electric bus charging infrastructure in Perth
- Tasmania: $540 million to upgrade Tasmania’s key road corridors, including the Bass and Tasman Highways
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