
Build to Rent (BTR) Activity in Brisbane's Fringe

Posted by: Scott Campbell


Overview of the Brisbane Fringe Market
The Brisbane Fringe commercial market is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by rising institutional demand for Build to Rent (BTR) developments. This shift reflects changing investment strategies and a strong interest in the rental sector.

Key BTR Projects
Prominent sites like 458 Wickham Street and 50 Constance Street in Fortitude Valley, originally planned for commercial towers, are being repurposed for BTR projects. This trend highlights the growing potential of the BTR sector in Brisbane.

Feasibility Challenges
Despite a robust pipeline of approved BTR projects, many have yet to progress to construction. Several factors contribute to this stagnation, including:

  • High Construction Costs: The rising expenses associated with building materials and labor are creating financial pressures.
  • Lengthy Timelines: Extended project timelines can deter investment and slow down development.
  • Shortage of Experienced Builders: A lack of skilled builders in Brisbane hampers the construction of new projects.

Impact on Commercial Developments
These feasibility hurdles are also affecting the initiation of new commercial developments. Higher funding costs and the demand for greater returns complicate the financial viability of these projects.

Market Demand and Supply Constraints
According to the Property Council of Australia, demand for A-grade office spaces remains strong. However, the market is constrained by limited new supply. This imbalance is likely to tighten market conditions further, especially as Queensland's population continues to grow at one of the fastest rates in the country.

Recent Transactions
Recent transactions in the BTR sector underscore its activity and evolving impact on the Brisbane Fringe commercial property market.

* Sale prices obtained from RPData Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific (CoreLogic).


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